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If working from home has you yearning for some fresh air and a higher step count, take some time to explore Downtown Spartanburg on foot.
Learn how Spartanburg is tied to the legendary rock group Pink Floyd and much more along the Spartanburg Music Trail, a walking tour showcasing the city’s robust musical history. The entire tour takes about 30 minutes and stops can be navigated from your phone to make the entire thing easy.
The Marshall Tucker Band’s marker along the Spartanburg Music Trail
Stops along the tour, which starts at the corner of Main Street and Daniel Morgan Avenue, feature musicians like Pinkney “Pink” Anderson, a blues artist who lived on South Forest Street. His music and influenced Pink Floyd, who also chose their name partly to honor him, and country singer Johnny Cash.
As you walk along the Music Trail, you’ll learn how the Hub City’s musical talent over the years created historic songs and melodies, and worked with legends like Elvis Presley and Paul Simon.
Photo courtesy City of Spartanburg, Spartanburg Soaring! 2019 at Barnet Park
Barnet Park isn’t currently hosting any events, but it is still open to the public if you’re looking to get your steps in during the day. The park’s walking path and spacious green space provide a good way to get some fresh air downtown.
Public art is everywhere in Spartanburg, and much of it can be enjoyed during a stroll around downtown.
Spartanburg, one of the state’s first Downtown Cultural Districts, is home to 38 murals or other public art displays, including sculptures and new functional art, providing some creative color to essential functions in the city.
There’s the Love Where You Live mural, inspired by HUB-BUB’s Love Where You Live Campaign and recently given a fresh coat thanks to a OneSpartanburg funding campaign. Only a few minutes away is the 100 Women mural, painted by artist Lucy Boland on a space along West Broad Street across from Spartanburg City Hall.
There’s also the Ishmael mural by artists Ishmael, originally from Spartanburg, and Rob Yamabushi. The mural, inspired by the book “Ishmael” by Daniel Quinn, features a colorfully-designed mustachioed, top-hat wearing head with various colors and patterns. A white bird flying under a rainbow leads to Yamabushi’s name in red letters on one side, while another white bird sits under a message stating “please read Ishmael.”
In the area between the Masonic Temple building and Carriage House Wines sits the Downtown Pocket Park, featuring café-style seating, free public wi-fi and public art. It’s a great place to stop for a quick chat or informal meeting.
And one of the newest entries to Spartanburg’s long list of art offerings are The Creative Crosswalks – a partnership of the Chapman Cultural Center, OneSpartanburg, and USC Upstate. The colorful, geometric designs are painted on the street at the intersections of: Main and King streets, Main and Spring streets, and Main and Magnolia streets.
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